Track prices and receive notifications

Just copy the product link and choose where to send notifications. It's that simple. Get alerts when the price decreases

Get Started. It’s FREE Register and start receiving information about changes in the price of the product
1. Open website Open the product page in a browser or mobile application Copy the link to the product page Copy the link on the product page
Insert the link in your personal account 3. Insert the link Price Tracker Pro Logo
Choose which notifications you want to receive and where 4. Select notifications
Receive notifications about price changes in Telegram Receive notifications about price changes in WhatsApp Receive notifications about price changes to your Email

Catch the best moment to buy

When we buy goods, we strive to get the maximum value for our money. Price tracking allows us to know when an item is getting cheaper. We can wait and get it at a better price. When we know that we are buying a product at the best price, we feel more confident and satisfied with our purchase.

Advantages of working with Price Tracker Pro

Receive notifications about price changes

Price tracking helps you find the best deals. You can keep track of discounts, promotions and sales to save money.

Advantages of working with Price Tracker Pro

Track the statistics of price changes over time

The price change schedule helps you make better decisions about buying an item.

Advantages of working with Price Tracker Pro

Save product lists in a user-friendly interface

You can store lists of products and share them (for example, products that you would like to receive for your birthday)


Before using Price Tracker Pro I had no idea that the prices could change so much. I put the game console on price tracking and bought it when the price dropped by 30 percent.


I always buy cosmetics from the same store. As it turned out, the store holds promotions that last a very short period (price drops by 15-20 percent). Price Tracker Pro helps me catch these sales.


I have dozens of products in price tracking. I can't even imagine how much money I saved by buying goods when the price goes down.

Choose a plan that suits you


Tracking up to three product pages

The system will check prices twice a day

Price change statistics for the last 3 months

Get Started